Get to know the filmmaker: Bill Daer

An interview with the Director of Alien Visitor, screening at the 2024 Mosaic World Film Festival.

100 years of radio and television signals is a visiting alien’s only source of reference.

1. What drew you to create this film?

The basic concept of TV and radio signals expanding out into the universe was planted in my brain back in fifth grade, when my teacher was explaining the speed of light to the class. The idea for the film pretty much popped up during Covid, I’d sketched out a few ideas during that time. A slow stretch last summer motivated me to start the project. 

2. What does filmmaking mean to you?
It’s the opportunity to physically share a vision.

3. What advice would you give students or beginners that want to make films?
Since I am basically a beginner, I guess the one thing I’ve noticed is that the Film Community is very tight. If you can get into a group that encourages and supports do so.

4. What films do you watch again and again?
Several. Casablanca, The Great Escape, Jaws, Raiders of the Lost Ark to name a few.  (I prefer to be entertained than preached at… with the exception of Grapes of Wrath)

Last thoughts/Advice?

You’ll learn a lot more from mistakes than victories. 

Thank you Bill!

You can get tickets for the #2024mwff here:

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