Constantin Maier’s narrative film follows Jonas, the young owner of a vinyl record store, who stumbles into a mysterious tavern by chance one evening. The tavern is detached from time and people from all kinds of different eras meet there. He falls in love with a Jazz singer, Eva Elana, from the 60s. But the time between the two will become their greatest enemy…
Constantin Maier was born in 1991 in Hanover, Germany and started very early to go after his passion to make films. At 13, he completed his first big cartoon film after two years of work. Since then he has made many short films and in the year
2013 he shot his first feature-length film, “An Evening of Eternity,” funded by the Nordmedia and the University of Applied Scienes and Arts Hanover and that was completed in 2015. Since 2011, he studies in the filmclass at the University of Applied Scienes and Arts Hanover (Major Media Design).
Q/A with Constantin Maier